實體聚會 Physical Worship
Flushing Chinese Baptist Church would like to invite you to our Chinese AM Worship at 9:45 am, English Worship Service at 11:45 am and Chinese PM Worship at 1:15 pm every Sunday. Worship service is now fully opened. We encourage brothers and sisters to attend physical worship service and worship God together. You may also continue to attend Sunday Worship online.
奉獻 Offering
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2/9/2025 上午中文堂主日崇拜 (國粵語)
9:45am Chinese AM Worship (Mandarin & Cantonese)
經文:馬太福音 16:24-27
2/9/2025 英文堂主日崇拜
English Worship
Title: I'm Thirsty!
Speaker: Pastor Albert Tse
Scripture: Exodus 17:1-7
2/2/2025 上午中文堂主日崇拜 (國粵語)
9:45am Chinese AM Worship (Mandarin & Cantonese)
經文:提摩太前書 4:12
2/2/2025 英文堂主日崇拜
English Worship
Title: Loving like Jesus
Speaker: Pastor AI Warren
Scripture: Matthew 5:38-48